Environmental Program Management

CW Environmental Program Management is instrumental in providing for the protection of human health and the environment.

CW engineers and environmental scientists have the experience to navigate the complex world of environmental regulations across a wide spectrum of Program areas. Their extensive and distinguished backgrounds assure the client of cost-effective compliance, which limits your organization’s liability. And your primary contact for Environmental Services is Cecil Walker.

Environmental Services

We can provide a single manager for individual projects, as well as a team to manage any size project as a Construction Manager. The following outlines the typical services offered:

CW environmental services include:

  • Agency and Stakeholder Consultation
  • Air Quality Consulting and Engineering
  • Alternatives Analysis and Feasibility Studies
  • Clean Water Act NPDES
  • Critical Path Management
  • Emergency Action Plans
  • Engineering, Procurement, Construction/Management (EPC, EPCM)
  • Environmental Assessment and Permitting
  • Environmental Health and Safety Management Consulting and Compliance
  • Expert Witness Testimony
  • Federal, State, and Local Permit Application Preparation Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE)
  • Groundwater Assessment
  • ISO 14000 Environmental Management System Preparation
  • Laboratory analysis and data management
  • Land Use and Land Management Planning
  • Mitigation Planning and Design
  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Services
  • Natural Gas Pipeline, Storage, and LNG Facility Licensing
  • Noise, Visual, Socioeconomic, Traffic, and Other Impact Analyses
  • Regulatory Plan design and submissions (Contamination Assessment Plan, Remediation Action Plans, Source Removal Plans, and other documentation as required by State, Local, or Federal authorities.
  • Remediation system design
  • Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act surveys, studies, clearances
  • Threatened and Endangered Species Clearance
  • Water, Waste and Natural Resources Management

Environmental Experience and Projects

CW Construction managers permitted, constructed, and operated hazardous waste landfills in Utah and Oklahoma. Additional projects and programs at Miami International Airport include groundwater remediation, ISO 14000 certification, and Tenant Compliance. Details below:

Major Projects

  • Design, construction, and operation of landfills and recycling facilities in Utah and Oklahoma with over 1,000,000 cubic yards of landfill capacity, 6000 drums storage, and PCB treatment and disposal.
  • Environmental remediation at Miami International Airport (MIA). Cleaned over 5 billion gallons of groundwater, recovered more than 100,000 gallons of petroleum products from underground, removed 200 underground fuel tanks, and removed, treated and disposed of more than one million tons of contaminated soil.
  • ISO 14000 implementation at MIA. First major American airport to achieve accreditation.
  • Tenant Compliance Program at MIA. The program required extensive interaction with all regulatory programs (Air, Water, and Waste).  The program assisted tenants (aircraft maintenance, hospitality services, etc.) to comply with local, state, and Federal regulations.  Compliance with regulations minimized MIA liability as the property owner.
  • Remediation and closure of hazardous material storage (gypstacks) at phosphate plants. Work included the treatment and transfer of over one billion gallons of contaminated liquids, as well as closure of the impoundment.  The project at Piney Point Florida was funded by the State of Florida and accomplished ahead of schedule and within budget.
  • Permitting of Used Oil facilities. Prepared permit applications for 15 Used Oil Processing facilities throughout Florida to recycle over 2,000,000 gallons per year of use oil.  The used oil is beneficially reused as an energy source, refined further as a lubricating oil, or used in the phosphate industry.
Here are graphics (PDF) of the Environmental achievements at three major US facilities, achieved by CW Construction: